本文提出了一种新型的极化传感器结构和网络结构,以获得高质量的RGB图像和极化信息。常规的极化传感器可以同时获取RGB图像和极化信息,但是传感器上的极化器会降低RGB图像的质量。 RGB图像的质量与极化信息之间存在权衡,因为较少的极化像素减少了RGB图像的降解,但减少了极化信息的分辨率。因此,我们提出了一种方法,该方法通过在传感器上稀疏排列极化像素来解决权衡,并使用RGB图像作为指导来补偿以更高分辨率的低分辨率极化信息。我们提出的网络体系结构由RGB图像改进网络和两极分化信息补偿网络组成。我们通过将其性能与最先进的方法进行比较,确认了我们提出的网络在补偿极化强度的差异成分方面的优势:深度完成。此外,我们确认我们的方法可以同时获得更高质量的RGB图像和极化信息,而不是传统的极化传感器,从而解决了RGB图像质量和极化信息之间的权衡。基线代码以及新生成的真实和合成的大规模极化图像数据集可用于进一步的研究和开发。
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The task of image segmentation is to classify each pixel in the image based on the appropriate label. Various deep learning approaches have been proposed for image segmentation that offers high accuracy and deep architecture. However, the deep learning technique uses a pixel-wise loss function for the training process. Using pixel-wise loss neglected the pixel neighbor relationships in the network learning process. The neighboring relationship of the pixels is essential information in the image. Utilizing neighboring pixel information provides an advantage over using only pixel-to-pixel information. This study presents regularizers to give the pixel neighbor relationship information to the learning process. The regularizers are constructed by the graph theory approach and topology approach: By graph theory approach, graph Laplacian is used to utilize the smoothness of segmented images based on output images and ground-truth images. By topology approach, Euler characteristic is used to identify and minimize the number of isolated objects on segmented images. Experiments show that our scheme successfully captures pixel neighbor relations and improves the performance of the convolutional neural network better than the baseline without a regularization term.
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The deep learning technique was used to increase the performance of single image super-resolution (SISR). However, most existing CNN-based SISR approaches primarily focus on establishing deeper or larger networks to extract more significant high-level features. Usually, the pixel-level loss between the target high-resolution image and the estimated image is used, but the neighbor relations between pixels in the image are seldom used. On the other hand, according to observations, a pixel's neighbor relationship contains rich information about the spatial structure, local context, and structural knowledge. Based on this fact, in this paper, we utilize pixel's neighbor relationships in a different perspective, and we propose the differences of neighboring pixels to regularize the CNN by constructing a graph from the estimated image and the ground-truth image. The proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the benchmark datasets. Keywords: Super-resolution, Convolutional Neural Networks, Deep Learning
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Transparency of Machine Learning models used for decision support in various industries becomes essential for ensuring their ethical use. To that end, feature attribution methods such as SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) are widely used to explain the predictions of black-box machine learning models to customers and developers. However, a parallel trend has been to train machine learning models in collaboration with other data holders without accessing their data. Such models, trained over horizontally or vertically partitioned data, present a challenge for explainable AI because the explaining party may have a biased view of background data or a partial view of the feature space. As a result, explanations obtained from different participants of distributed machine learning might not be consistent with one another, undermining trust in the product. This paper presents an Explainable Data Collaboration Framework based on a model-agnostic additive feature attribution algorithm (KernelSHAP) and Data Collaboration method of privacy-preserving distributed machine learning. In particular, we present three algorithms for different scenarios of explainability in Data Collaboration and verify their consistency with experiments on open-access datasets. Our results demonstrated a significant (by at least a factor of 1.75) decrease in feature attribution discrepancies among the users of distributed machine learning.
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我们提出了一个名为“ Visual配方流”的新的多模式数据集,使我们能够学习每个烹饪动作的结果。数据集由对象状态变化和配方文本的工作流程组成。状态变化表示为图像对,而工作流则表示为食谱流图(R-FG)。图像对接地在R-FG中,该R-FG提供了交叉模式关系。使用我们的数据集,可以尝试从多模式常识推理和程序文本生成来尝试一系列应用程序。
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我们为深神经网络(称为HCFormer)提出了一个基于分层聚类的图像分割方案。我们将图像分割(包括语义,实例和全景分段)解释为像素聚类问题,并通过深层神经网络的自下而上,分层聚类来完成它。我们的分层聚类在分割头之前除去了像素解码器,并简化了分割管道,从而改善了分割精度和互操作性。HCFORMER可以使用相同的体系结构来解决语义,实例和全盘分割,因为像素聚类是各种图像分割的常见方法。在实验中,与语义分割(ADE20K上的55.5 MIOU),实例分割(可可二的47.1 AP)和泛型分段(可可在Coco上的55.7 PQ)相比,HCFormer达到了可比或卓越的分割精度。
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我们提出了一项新的3D问题答案的3D空间理解任务(3D-QA)。在3D-QA任务中,模型从丰富的RGB-D室内扫描的整个3D场景接收视觉信息,并回答关于3D场景的给定文本问题。与VQA的2D答案不同,传统的2D-QA模型遭受了对对象对齐和方向的空间理解的问题,并且从3D-QA中的文本问题中失败了对象本地化。我们为3D-QA提出了一个名为ScanQA模型的3D-QA基线模型,其中模型从3D对象提案和编码的句子嵌入中获取融合描述符。该学习描述符将语言表达式与3D扫描的底层几何特征相关联,并促进3D边界框的回归以确定文本问题中的描述对象。我们收集了人类编辑的问题答案对,自由表格答案将接地为3D场景中的3D对象。我们的新ScanQA数据集包含来自Scannet DataSet的800个室内场景的超过41K问答对。据我们所知,ScanQA是第一个在3D环境中执行对象接地的问答的大规模工作。
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最近在组合问题中寻找多样化的解决方案,最近受到了相当大的关注(Baste等人2020; Fomin等人2020; Hanaka等。2021)。在本文中,我们研究了以下类型的问题:给出了整数$ k $,问题询问了$ k $解决方案,使得这些解决方案之间的成对和汉明距离的总和最大化。这种解决方案称为各种解决方案。我们介绍了一种用于查找加权定向图中的多样性最短$ ST $ -Paths的多项式时间算法。此外,我们研究了其他经典组合问题的多样化版本,如不同的加权麦芽碱,不同加权树丛和多样化的双链匹配。我们表明这些问题也可以在多项式时间内解决。为了评估我们寻找多样性最短$ ST $ ST -Paths的算法的实际表现,我们进行了合成和现实世界的计算实验。实验表明,我们的算法在合理的计算时间内成功计算了各种解决方案。
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